Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Leaving Benson March 29,2016

Another month gone and it’s time to leave Benson and start heading north.It’s hard to believe 3 months of the year is already gone.Sam’s busy as always contantly working on different projects that need to be done. I’ve been doing some beading with the group here and have a couple bracelets finished.IMG_0004

San Xavier Mission

This mission is a historical landmark and the only remaining one fully intact in Arizona.It was founded in 1692 as part of the missions being built by Father Francisco Kino a Jesuit missionary. Since 1978 10 million dollars has been spent on restoration.The open everyday and free tours are given.If your in the Tucson area this a must see.







Inside mission

They started a photogorphy club here in the park and this was one of our outings.

One day we took a ride and came across Old Tucson Studios.There was a gate so we were unable to get close enough to get photos but here is one.


We also went out Mescal road and was on a mission to go see some waterfalls to no avail. There was several washes to crossDSC00009 and we don’t have 4 wheel on our new car so couldn’t forge the water.Makes us wish we had old car.It was quite deep as we tried to get through but had to back up.


We also had Ole Mexico days this month which was a three day affair.It started with a pet parade and they had some really cute dogs dressed up and some did tricks.On friday they carnival booths with games,chicken bingo,cantina,sold sweets,played blackjack and had a mexican lunch. People were dressed up for Fashions for Ole Mexico Daysthe affair.Lots of other things were going on and everyone seemed to have a good time.





We also had a Mariachi School Band that entertained us.These kids were better than professionals and have been playing insruments since they were very small.Some also had great voices.








Well now it’s time to move on until next season in Benson. Adios

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