We got up this morning and decided to take a drive to Gammons Gulch(a old movie set). Sam set the gps and when we started out it took us the wrong way. Instead of turing back we continued on towards Wilcox as I saw on the map we could take a gravel road out of Wilcox and still get there. We got to Texas Canyon and stopped for some photos.Texas Canyon was a stagecoach route for the Butterfield-Overland stage from 1858 till 1862.
We've passed by the Amerind Museum several times and had never stopped so today we decided since we were in the area this would be a good time to for a visit. The Amerind Foundation is a non profit archaeological and research museum. It's dedicated to the preservation and interpertation of Native Americans.They have a great collection of Native American artifacts. We lucked out as today they had the Seri Indians from Mexico there and they had a lecture about them. Very interesting.We also watched them making their crafts and beautiful baskets.They have a small area outside that you can get something to eat or just take a lunch and picnic there.
After our lunch we proceeded onto Wilcox to look for Casabel Rd. We had some difficulty in finding it but after a few turns we were finally on the right road and headed into the Muleshoe Mts. and Gammon's Gulch.We were on a gravel road for about 25 miles until we came to a paved road.Here's a couple of photos of the area.It was 4:00 P.M. by the time we arrived at Gammon's Gulch.They close at 5 so we didn't have much time to look around. Gammon's Gulch is a old movie set and Jay Gammons has been collecting these old buildings for over 30 years.He has a tour although we were to late for the last one so we just looked around. Several movies have been filmed here,some you might have seen. Dr.Quinn Medicine Woman and Walker Texas Ranger among others. I understand that the tour is quite good.Here are a few of the buildings.

After a long day we headed home and stopped for a ice cream.
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