Dec.21 Montevideo Uruquay
We arrived in Montevideo and coming into port there were lots of ships rusted and falling apart.We later learned that they were confiscated because they had no licenses and refused to pay.
We hopped a taxi to downtown and did a free walking tour.We stared at Independence Plaza.Independence plaza divides the old city from the new.There is a statue of General Artigas known as the father of Uruquay.
Palacio Salvo with statue of Col. Artigas
Palace Salvo was built between 1925 and 1928 and at the time was the highest in S. America,at 26 stories.

Close by was the Artigas Mauseloum. It is guarded 24 hours a day.
Theater Solis
Our group
Guide with Grappa.A alcoholic drink like wine.
Next stop Buenos Aires
We arrived in Puerto Madryn home of Penquins. I was able to get a tour and there was only one other couple which made it nice.My husband was sick and wasn't able to go.It takes 2 hours to get to Punta Tomba and we left 1 hour ahead of the buses.There are more than 11/2 million Magellan Penquins that come here every year to breed.They are known as the Elegant gentlemen.They are so cute waddling around and are not afraid of people.We were so lucky to be with them before all the crowds came.We left and all the crowds started to come.
Animal on way
He's protecting his nest.
Mama and baby
Dec.14,2017 Tierra Del Fuego
We are in Ushuaia and going on a tour to Tierra Del Fuego
Natl. Park. It is a forest with wildlife,lakes,and beautiful glacial mountains. It stretches from Beagle Channel to the southern most point of Argentina.
Having problems with computer.
We are now transiting the Straights of Magellan.This is a important sea route separating S. America and Tierra De Fuego.The Straights of Magellan is a natural straight separating the Atlantic and the Pacific.Tomorrow we will arrive in Ushuaia,Argentina aka the end of the World.While in Ushuaia will tour Tierra Ntl. Park.

It's been long time since I've posted so I will just do some photos. We are cruising the Chilean Fjords in the southern part of Chili.The weather has been cloudy with rain so photos are not great.