Sunday, May 4, 2014

April 20 2014 Sister-in-law birthday

After leaving Park Sierra we stopped at the Moose lodge in Rio Vista for a couple days so we could visit our son in Oakley. The area behind the lodge isn't very big, fortunatly we were the only ones there. They have water and  electric but the sights between the trees were so small you could barely get a car there. The nice thing is that it sits on the Sacramento River and they have a nice deck right on the water.
We left the Moose and went to Petaluma where we spent a week at my sister's in the country. She had a birthday and turned 60 and we were also going to my sister-in-laws in San Francisco for her 75th birthday. My niece gave her a party and her grandkids from Colorado came and her son from Pa. It was a nice family get together with family.
Din and her son-in-law Graham
Sam explaining something to nephew Dean
Some of the family.
While in Petaluma my sister and I went to lunch with my cousin who I haven't seen in several years.
It was nice to catch up .Off to Vacaville for a week to visit friends and then to Sacramento for Dr's appt.
                Livin'ez on the road