We have finally got summer here in the NW so Friday nite we took advantage of it and went to the Pt. Townsend Brewery.There was a group called the Deadwood Revival that was playing outside from 5 to 8.We arrived about 20 minutes before they were to play and were able to get some chairs.We were sure glad we got there early because it got to standing room only.We really like this group and stayed until 8 listening to the music and had some wine and beer. This weekend is the Wooden Boat Festival and Sam and I went into Port Townsend to join in the festivities.
There so many different types of wooden boats,old ones,newer ones,pygma,kayaksand old sailing ships.Here are a few we saw and were able to get on a few of them.

They had music playing all day and we took some time to sit and eat lunch and listen to some Cajun music under the big tent.
We will be leaving this area in about a week and heading to Seaside Ore.for about 10 days and then on to see Dr.'s in Sacramento.We look forward to seeing friends down the road.