Sunday, August 28, 2011

Aug 28,2011 Acrobats

We heard there was a show being put on by a French couple who use their sailboat as a backdrop for their acrobat show and decided to go see what it was all about.They do acrobats using the ropes and sails of the boat.They have a funny act and a romantic act.We only stayed for the one show as we didn't want to wait for another hour and half for the next one.They were pretty good although you really need to be there to appreciate what they do.They travel around doing their act for donations.They said next year they will be in french Polynesia.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Aug 23,2011 Poulsbo and dinner with Friends

Sam and I went to Poulsbo for a Art Festival last weekend which was held on the waterfront.That's one nice thing about being in this area for the summer,we're surrounded by water and it's beautiful.
There's always something going on and we're just a ferry ride to Seattle.Here are some photos of the waterfront.
On the 23rd we went to Ferrino's Pizza with friends as Eleanor and Dave Berry are leaving and we wanted enjoy a nice visit with them before they head out.They are also Boomers and spend their winters in Fla.Eleanor and Dave

Brent and Diane
Jerry and Carole
Sam and Me
Time is getting short and we will be leaving around the middle of Sept.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Aug.10,2011 Anniversary Dinners

Eight of us had anniverseries at the end of July and beggining of Aug. so we all went out to dinner to celebrate.We never miss a chance to eat.We went to the Olympic Timber House in Quilcene.This place looks like a hunting lodge and has good food. I had the crab cakes and Sam had the fish platter.
Front to back Linda Pratt,Carole Hansen,Diane Roulier,Me
Mic Pratt,Jerry Hansen,Brent Roulier,Sam
We enjoyed our dinner and celebration with friends.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Aug.7,2011 BBQ Potluck and Boomers

We have a potluck BBQ every Friday nite in the park and we have a lot of visitors coming into the park in July and August.It just so happens that this friday a notice was sent out to Boomers in the area and in the park about the BBQ and needless to say when there is food they will come. We had a great group of Boomers here and and had alot of great food,fun and fellowship.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Aug.5,2011 Coho Days Art show,Brown Bag And Wine

During CoHo Days we had a art show,showing all the talents of some the leaseholders.There is a lot of talent here in the park.Some of the crafts are carving and painted gourds,trash can jewelery,photography,and decorated bras.

The bras were made by Diane Roulier for away to raise money for cancer.There was a event called Bras for a Cause and they were bid on at a auction.They raised $10,000 for the cause.She also makes the trash can jewelery out of poptop for soda cans.Very inventive.
We also had a brown bag auction and made money for the Vets.
We also had a wine and cheese tasting and the proceeds went for charity.This event was very well done and there was a wine basket full of wine and goodies for a raffle. The couple putting on the event also took wine bottles and decorated them with lights and decorations and were given away in the raffle as well. We really enjoyed this event and I also helped serve the wine. 

Besides the wine they had a car show before the wine tasting and they had some real beauties.
Holding up the rear.
A great ending to a great week.

Monday, August 1, 2011

July 31,2011 Ladies Tea

Today is the start of Co-Ho Days here in the park and it starts with a Ladies Tea.The men make all the tea and food for the ladies and serve them as well.All of us look forward to this event every year.
During CO-HO Days other activities they have are dinners,brunch,brownbag auction,margarita party,car show and wine and cheese tasting.A fun filled  week.