We're in Benson at skp park and arrived here on Nov.30.We will stay until the end of Dec. then move to Mittry Lake for Boomers New Years.Both of us have been down with colds and haven't done much of anything. We are finally feeling somewhat better and decided to go to Ft.Bowie today.Ft Bowie tells the story of the conflict between the govt. and the Apaches.For 30 years Ft. Bowie and Apache Pass was the point for military operations and the surrendering of Geronimo in 1886. After they sent all Chiracahuas to Ala. and Florida.Once you get to Ft. Bowie it's a 1 1/2 mile hike in to the fort.
On the way you will see lots of rock formations.
Ft.Bowie along the trail. 
Fort Bowie Cemetery
The old fort
By the time we got back to the car I was wore out.We headed into Wilcox and went to a BBQ and had ribs for dinnner.After that we went over Stout's cider mill and got the biggest apple pie we have ever seen.Um,Um. On the way home we were treated to the most beautiful sunset I think we've ever seen. This has been a great day and we have more to come.